hehehe, second post of this day. :)
anw, tugas yang gw bicarain di post sebelumnya, di postpone buat setelah UTS. kebayang nggak ngamuknya cowo gw tau ky gt. bayangin, uda belabelain rajin kerja di perpus, malah di postpone. kwakwakwa~
olraait, on this post, i'd like to reconcile with my past, alias berdamai dengan masalalu gw.
weell, i dunno where should i start. :)
hemm. let's start with this. :)
Everybody should have a past. :)
yes, i mean EVERYBODY. you, me, them.. every single person must have one. and im sure that not every moment they have, is happy ones. :)
this post, i gotta tell you this.
this evening i met one of my ex-brother-to-be. hahaha.. what i mean here, is a boy who have ever really cares on me, on my good times and bad. yes, i met him, here at the campus.
who knows i'd see him here? with everything on him, is still the same. smoking, lil bit drunk, and maybe small level of high. God, i wish he didn't do the last anymore.
hell, i need to stop this. :)
let me continue.
i met him at the canteen, while im havin lunch with my bf.
he stares at me, pretend that nothin happened. *actually, NOTHING happens emang. --"
remember all the things that he did to me. all the stories he tells me, all the smiles that he brought to my days, and all anger that he makes me paid.. :)
well, abang gw ini emang rada sakti. he can make everything happen as what he wishes. ~_~"
to be honest, i missed him. missed him as my brother, missed the way we talked so much in the middle of the night.. missed the way he makes me laugh till i cried..
now it's all different...
gw mesti ikhlas ngelepasin dia, karena gw susah buat toleransi perilakunya...
semenjak dia 'make', semenjak dia 'minum'... gw mau melepaskan diri dari dia... bukan karena gw takut kebawa, *im sure im not goin into that!* , melainkan karena gw capek mikir dia, gw capek nasehatin dia, gw capek marah sama dia, tapi endingnya gw juga [hampir] pasti balik lagi nyari dia...
Now i wish i can reconcile with my past. with him. i wish i can change him, without he being so sarcastic to me. ~_~
i wish he can changed, all along with his gf... :)
to be honest, im still missing him, even though im still mad on him.. :')
1 komentar:
tenang honey,,
seseorang pasti punya takdirnya sendiri-sendiri.. just believe that he'll get what is better to him.
and you don't have to forget someone one unforgotten.. because maybe someday you'll need his/her help. ;)
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