Large Rainbow Pointer

Minggu, 05 Februari 2012

Okay ..

Diposting oleh uLauLiuL di 21.32
Ookaay .. Setelah berkutat dengan urusan layout yang gaada habisnya sampai sekarang ... saya cuma ingin bilang bahwa saya mulai frustrasi :/
Yeah, Man. This things are starting to be mindf*ck*nblowing bussiness. Naah. Naah . I don't wanna talk about this now. Maybe Later. Aaargh. Okay. Just leave me with my whole freakin world now. Stay . Away .

Okay . Inhale .. Exhale . Fiiuuuh .

What happened in recently days ?

Just me. Messing up with my brain by looking for some writing competitions and try to join it all at once. What the f*ck are you doing huh? No. Just trying to get my mind out of some serious business. Fiuuh . Dunno , these days are feels like hell for me . I dunno ! Why ? Why ? Why ? YARRR~~ *piratestyle*

Well maybe first .. I haven't decided what to do.

Watching Junior Master Chef Kids of Australia makes it feel worse. How could these young kids found out what they want to be so soon ? What ? I'm irritated yet in the other hand i love watching them. I can't find what is my passion. I haven't find anything i want to do for good. I don't know what should I do someday, when I finished my education and anything else. I'm afraid that i couldn't be anybody for this world . I know . For this world i might be nobody but for someone I might be their world . But still .. Argh .

Forget it .

I can't find anything else to write on ..

See ya ..

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